Pięcioro naszych uczniów wyjeżdża na wakacyjny projekt do Austrii
Po raz kolejny nasza szkoła przy współpracy z NGO Kinderfreunde i Stowarzyszeniem Oświatowym „Sowa” dostała zaproszenie do uczestnictwa w międzynarodowym projekcie Erasmus+ Youth Exchange pt. "After 70 Years” (15.-29.08.2015) w Klaffer. Opiekunem wyjazdu jest Pani Aleksandra Cichoń, która już uczestniczyła w spotkaniu przygotowawczym liderów projektu.
Koordynator wyjazdu: Anna Matwiszyn
Countries: Austria, Belgium, Greece, Romania, Macedonia, Poland, Italy, Lithuania, Turkey
Topic: The EU as a model for establishing and keeping peace. An inventory and future prospects.
Main Aims and Activities:
As a high-light of the whole youth-exchange there will be a day of the European Union, where the public will be invited to participate. On that very day, the girls and boys will present to themselves and to the public a heterogenic but peaceful way of staying together. And it should be learned, that living in peace is not a matter of course, but an active and sometimes hard way of living.
There will be different opportunities for to work on the topics:
A research-group will question the participants and people from the surroundings about their points of view about the time since 1945 and about the collective memory in their home-regions.
The theatre-group will question itself first of all and the results of this will be brought on stage.
During The Day Of The European Union they will present their results to the public as well as to the other participants.
The cultural workshops: where participants will have to present a typical side of their home countries.